History of Steak Tartare, a Culinary Treasure on Horseback

The steak tartar had been a haute cuisine recipe, elaborated in sophisticated restaurants that could, for example, afford to finish in the dining room this preparation based on raw minced meat —not ground—, Perrins sauce, salt, pepper, egg yolk and some acid counterpoint such as mustard or vinegar. In 1206, a leader unifies the tribes of Mongolia under his power. His name was Genghis Khan. Under his command, the Mongols initiated one of the most extensive empires in history, a domain that was based on the magnificent expertise of its riders. The Tartars were part of this great empire, in the central and northern part of the Asian continent. They were riding masters and fearsome warriors, the special forces of the Khan. Their long days did not allow them to spend the night or eat sitting peacefully. Therefore, they were designed to preserve and consume raw meat. Genghis Khan...