Pakistani Ingredient Glossary

All-Purpose Flour "Maida" in Urdu - is a finely ground white wheat flour containing a moderate amount of protein; used for a wide variety of general baking and cooking. Allspice "Garam Masala" in Urdu - is a combination of rich and bitter whole spices that are dry roasted and then powdered. Some garam masalas can have up to 33 ingredients but the most common are bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves, green cardamoms and coriander seeds. Almond "Baadaam" in Urdu - An oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree. Amaranth Leaves "Cholai" in Urdu - also known as "Chinese Spinach", are edible tender leaves and stems, rich in vitamins A and C, protein, folic acid, calcium and iron, and are considered as vegetable and are cooked like spinach. Aniseeds "Sounf" in Urdu - A liquorice-like seed that is used as a digestive. Similar to fennel seeds but not used as widely in cooking as in after dinner mints. Apricot "Khubaani" ...