Miracle Berry

The miracle berry really is a bit miraculous in its effect and is certainly a good bit of fun as well. Ultimately it may even turn out to be beneficial to both dieters and diabetics The miracle berry has become the object of cult obsession these days, particularly in cities such as New York City, where people hold taste tripping parties based on the fruit's properties. The berry itself comes from a small shrubby plant native to West Africa. The bright red miracle berry is ¾ inch to 1 inch long and oblong shaped. One of its primary active ingredients is a glycoprotein named miraculin. Miraculin binds to taste receptors in the tongue, “tricking” them into experiencing acidic tastes as sweet tastes. Lemons, for example, taste like lemon candy. Miraculin’s masking effect on taste buds is temporary, typically lasting 30 minutes or so. To experience the miraculin effect, a person either scrapes some of the pulp and seed away from the fruit and chews it or takes mirac...