Culinary Terms with urdu Translation
All-Purpose Flour
"Maida" in Urdu - is a finely ground white wheat flour containing a
moderate amount of protein; used for a wide variety of general baking and
"Garam Masala" in Urdu - is a combination of rich and bitter whole spices that
are dry roasted and then powdered. Some garam masalas can have up to 33
ingredients but the most common are bay leaves, cinnamon, cloves, green
cardamoms and coriander seeds.
"Baadaam" in Urdu - An oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree.
"Cholai" in Urdu - also known as "Chinese Spinach", are
edible tender leaves and stems, rich in vitamins A and C, protein, folic acid,
calcium and iron, and are considered as vegetable and are cooked like spinach.
"Sounf" in Urdu - A liquorice-like seed that is used as a
digestive. Similar to fennel seeds but not used as widely in cooking as in
after dinner mints.
"Khubaani" or
"Jardalu" in Urdu - A
yellow-orange fruit harvested from small trees. The fruit resembles a smaller version
of a peach. It can be eaten whole with the pit removed, processed into juice or
preserves. Apricots can be preserved through drying.
"Khubaani" or "Jardalu" in
Urdu - A yellow-orange fruit harvested
from small trees. The fruit resembles a smaller version of a peach. It can be
eaten whole with the pit removed, processed into juice or preserves. Apricots
can be preserved through drying.
"Saib" in Urdu - A fruit with red or yellow or green skin and
sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh.
"Chaaliya" in Urdu - Also called a Betal nut, the Areca Nut, the seed
of the Areca palm (Areca catechu), grows in much of the tropical Pacific, Asia,
and parts of east Africa . It is commonly
referred to as "betel nut" as it is often chewed wrapped in betel
"Heeng" in Urdu - The dried gum of a plant belonging to the fennel
family. It has a potent, foul aroma but when added to hot oil imparts a
wonderful buttery aroma to the dish.
"Petha" or "Kaddu" in Urdu
- The winter melon, also called white gourd,ash
gourd, or "fuzzy melon", is a vine grown for its very large fruit,
eaten as a vegetable when mature. It is the only member of the genus Benincasa.
The fruit is fuzzy when young.The immature melon has thick white flesh that is sweet
when eaten.
"Baingan" in Urdu - Also called Brinjal or Eggplant, an Aubergine is
a dark purple or brownish-purple vegetable that resembles the color of the
outer skin of European eggplants.
"Khameer" in Urdu - also called "Yeast", is the common name
for the strains of yeast used as a leavening agent in baking bread and bakery
products, where it converts the fermentable sugars present in the dough into
carbon dioxide and ethanol.
"Kaila" in Urdu - An elongated curved fruit, which grows in
bunches, and has a sweet creamy flesh and a smooth yellow skin; The tropical
treelike plant which bears clusters of bananas.
"Pakanay Ka Soda" in Urdu - A dry chemical leavening agent used to increase
the volume and lighten the texture of baked goods.
"Jau" in Urdu - A cereal grain, has a mild, starchy flavor and a
slightly chewy texture. Pearl barley, the most popular form used for cooking,
has the outer hull removed and has been polished or "pearled." It is
sold in regular and quick-cooking forms.
"Tulsi" in Urdu - \Common name of an aromatic, herbaceous plant,
Ocimum basilicum, of the mint family Lamiaceae. This species, often referred to
as sweet basil, is widely cultivated for its edible leaves. Basil is originally
native to Iran , India and other tropical regions of Asia , having been cultivated there for more than 5,000
"Tezz Patta" in Urdu - Also called Cassia Leaf, fresh or dried bay
leaves are used in cooking for their distinctive flavor and fragrance. The
leaves are often used to flavor soups, stews, braises and pâtés in
Mediterranean cuisine. The fresh leaves are very mild and do not develop their
full flavor until several weeks after picking and drying.
"Gaen Ka Gosht" in Urdu - Beef is the culinary name for meat from bovines,
especially domestic cattle (cows). Beef is one of the principal meats used in
the cuisine of Australia , Argentina , Europe and America ,
and is also important in Africa, East Asia, and Southeast
Asia .
"Gosht Ki Yakhni" or "Gosht Ka
Shorba" in Urdu - also called "Beef
Stock" is a liquid in which beef bones and meat are simmered to make a
juice. It is used as a basis for other edible liquids such as soup, gravy, or
sauce. It can be eaten alone or with garnish.
"Gosht Ki Yakhni" or "Gosht Ka
Shorba" in Urdu - also called "Beef
Broth" is a liquid in which beef bones and meat are simmered to make a
juice. It is used as a basis for other edible liquids such as soup, gravy, or
sauce. It can be eaten alone or with garnish.
"Chukandar" in Urdu - A plant in the amaranth family. It is best known
in its numerous cultivated varieties, the most well known of which is probably
the red root vegetable known as the beetroot or garden beet.
"Shimla Mirch" in Urdu - Also called, Sweet Pepper, the Bell Pepper is a
cultivar group of the species Capsicum annuum (chili pepper). Cultivars of the
plant produce fruits in different colors, including red, yellow and orange. The
fruit is also frequently consumed in its unripe form, when the fruit is still
"Chana Dal" in Urdu - One of the most important pulses in Pakistan and India . It is consumed in the form
of whole dried seeds and in the form of dhal, prepared by splitting the seeds
in a mill and separating the husk. Seeds are angular with pointed beak and
small hilum. All parts of the plant are covered with glandular hairs.
"Besan" in Urdu - A flour made from ground chickpeas, a legume
otherwise known as chana dal. It is also known as chickpea flour, garbanzo
flour, or besan . Used in many countries, it is a staple ingredient in Indian,
Pakistani and Bangladeshi cuisines, and in the form of a paste with water or
yoghurt, a popular facial exfoliant in the Indian Subcontinent. Moreover, when
mixed with an equal proportion of water, can be used as an egg-replacer in
vegan cooking.
"Paan" in Urdu - Pakistani and South East Asian tradition of
chewing betel leaf (Piper betle) with areca nut and slaked lime paste. There
are many regional and local variations. It is a Piper betle leave chew, chewed
as a palate cleanser, a breath freshener, and for digestive purposes as well.
"Chaaliya" in Urdu - The Betal nut is another name for the Areca Nut,
the seed of the Areca palm (Areca catechu), which grows in much of the tropical
Pacific, Asia, and parts of east Africa . It is
commonly referred to as "betel nut" as it is often chewed wrapped in
betel leaves.
"Karela" in Urdu - Also known as bitter Melon, the bitter gourd is a
tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown for
edible fruit, which is among the most bitter of all fruits. It has excellent
medicinal virtues. It is antidotal, antipyretic tonic, appetizing, stomachic, antibilious
and laxative. The bitter gourd is also used in native medicines of Asia and Africa .
"Karela" in Urdu - Also known as bitter gourd, the bitter melon is a
tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown for edible
fruit, which is among the most bitter of all fruits. It has excellent medicinal
virtues. It is antidotal, antipyretic tonic, appetizing, stomachic, antibilious
and laxative. The bitter gourd is also used in native medicines of Asia and Africa .
"Bari Ilaichi" or "Kaali
Ilaichi" in Urdu - Black cardamom also known as
brown cardamom is a plant in the family Zingiberaceae. Its seed pods have a
strong camphor-like flavor, with a smoky character derived from the method of
"Lobiya" in Urdu - Also called, black-eyed peas, Chawalie, etc. in
various languages in India ,
is a subspecies of the cowpea, grown around the world for its medium-sized
edible bean. The bean mutates easily, giving rise to a number of varieties.
"Kaala Chana" in Urdu - Black gram is one of the most highly prized
pulses of Pakistan and India . It is an
erect, sub erect or trailing, densely hairy annual herb. The tap root produces
a branched root system with smooth, rounded nodules. The pods are narrow,
cylindrical and up to 6cms. long. It is the most nutritious of all pulses.
"Kaali Mirch" or "Seeya
Mirch" in Urdu - A powder made from seeds
(peppercorns) of the plant Piper Nigrum which is commonly used as a spice.
Usually but not always used ground or crushed. Pepper Corns also come in forms
that produce white pepper and several other varieties.
"Lowki" in Urdu - A vine grown for its fruit, which can either be
harvested young and used as a vegetable or harvested mature. The fresh fruit
has a light green smooth skin and a white flesh. However the rounder varieties
are called Calabash gourds whereas the longer and slimmer kinds are usually
well known as bottle gourds.
"Maghaz" or "Bheja" in Urdu
- Cow or Sheep Brain is prepared with spices and
eaten by Pakistanis. Brain Masala is a common and delicious dish made in Pakistan and
Pakistani Restaurants around the world.
"Double Roti" in Urdu - A food made from dough of flour or meal and
usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked.
"Double Roti Ka Choora" in Urdu - Small particles of dry bread, which are used for
breading or crumbing foods, topping casseroles, stuffing poultry, thickening
stews, and adding inexpensive bulk to meatloaves and similar foods.
"Baingan" in Urdu - Also called Eggplant or Aubergine, Brinjal comes
from a plant of the family Solanaceae (also known as the nightshades) and genus
Solanum. It bears a fruit of the same name, commonly used as a vegetable in
cooking. As a nightshade, it is closely related to the tomato and potato and is
native to Pakistan , Nepal , India ,
Bangladesh , and Sri Lanka .
"Saim Ki Phali" in Urdu - Broad bean is also known as horse bean, windsor bean, english
bean, tick bean, fava bean, field bean, and pigeon bean. Broad beans are
sometimes classified into subspecies according to varieties and their uses in
various countries. Thus, subspecies faba var. minor is the beck, tick, or
pigeon bean, greatly used for human consumption in the Arabic world, but also
used for animal forage, like the horse bean (var. equina) specifically fed to
horses. The broad bean proper, also known as Windsor or straight bean, is var. major.
Indian varieties, generally dried and eaten as pulses, are classified as
subspecies paucyuga.
"Dalia" in Urdu - Broken wheat is also known as Bulgar wheat or
cracked wheat. It is made by milling wheat grains coarsely. Wheat is cleaned
and husked and then processed to the required size. It is highly nutritious as
it does not undergo refining. When cooked, broken wheat has a very hearty, warm
aroma and a grainy, delightful taste. It is slightly nutty and chewy.
"Yakhni" in Urdu - also called "Soup" or
"Stock", is a liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered; used
as a basis for soups or sauces.
"Gurh" in Urdu - Brown sugar is a sucrose sugar product with a
distinctive brown color due to the presence of molasses. It is either an
unrefined or partially refined soft sugar consisting of sugar crystals with
some residual molasses content, or it is produced by the addition of molasses
to refined white sugar.
"Makhan" in Urdu - Butter is a dairy product made by churning fresh
or fermented cream or milk. It is generally used as a spread and a condiment,
as well as in cooking applications such as baking, sauce making, and frying.
Butter consists of butterfat, water and milk proteins.
"Chaach" in Urdu - Buttermilk is the result that remains after the
butter is separated from a cream. It is residue from making butter from sour
raw milk; or pasteurized milk curdled by adding a culture.
"Bandh Gobhi" or "Patta
Gobhi" in Urdu - is the common market cabbage
(Brassica olercaea) with a large, firm spherical head of tightly packed pale
green waxy leaves; flat and conical heads are also available; also known as the
common cabbage. Other varieties include white and red.
"Narang Ka Chilka" in Urdu - is a candied peel made from, oranges, lemons, or
grapefruits which makes a deliciously fresh, zesty treat.
"Kharbooza" in Urdu - is a \muskmelon with a raised netting over a
smooth grayish-beige skin, pale orange flesh, large seed cavity with many seeds
and a sweet, refreshing, distinctive flavor; also known as a netted melon or
nutmeg melon.
"Shimla Mirch" in Urdu - along with paprika, red pepper and cayenne
pepper, as well as chillies and 'bell' peppers are all from the large Capsicum
pepper family. This extensive family encompasses the mild 'sweet' or 'bell' pepper
to the hottest 'chilli' peppers which are often ground up to make 'hot'
"Shahi Zeera" or "Kaala
Zeera" in Urdu - are small, brown and crescent
shaped with lengthwise ridges. The seeds taste like licorice and are used in
cakes, main dishes, and rye breads.
"Ilaichi" or "Sufaid
Ilaichi" in Urdu - is a Pakistani and Indian herb,
Elettaria cardamomum; The aromatic seed of this plant, used as a spice in Asian
cuisine, baking, and in curry powder.
"Ajwain" in Urdu - is the small seed-like fruit similar to that of
the Bishop's Weed plant, egg-shaped and grayish in colour. The plant has a
similarity to parsley. Because of their seed-like appearance, the fruit pods
are sometimes called ajwain seeds or mistakenly as bishop's weed seeds.
"Gaajar" in Urdu - due to its horn-like shape is a root vegetable,
usually orange in colour, though purple, red, white, or yellow.
"Kaaju" in Urdu - are sweet, buttery, kidney-shaped nuts that grow
from the bottom of the tropical cashew apple. The shells are toxic and always
removed before the nuts are marketed. They are sold blanched, plain or toasted
and are eaten out of hand; a popular ingredient in many Chinese dishes.
"Kaaju" in Urdu - are sweet, buttery, kidney-shaped nuts that grow
from the bottom of the tropical cashew apple. The shells are toxic and always
removed before the nuts are marketed. They are sold blanched, plain or toasted
and are eaten out of hand; a popular ingredient in many Chinese dishes.
"Tezz Patta" in Urdu - also sometimes called "Bay Leaf" even
though they belong to a totally different botanical family and look nothing
like a bay leaf. Cassia leaves can be twice the size (both in width and length)
of the European bay leaf and when dried turn a dull brown colour and are
inclined to break whereas bay leaves, tough and leathery as they are, are more
likely to survive the drying process intact.
"Pisi Huwi Cheeni" in Urdu - is granulated sugar that has been sifted to have
a finer crystal size, so that it can be shaken out of the holes of a caster.
"Phool Gobhi" in Urdu - is one of several vegetables in the species
Brassica oleracea, in the family Brassicaceae. It is an annual plant that
reproduces by seed. Typically, only the head (the white curd) is eaten while
the stalk and surrounding thick, green leaves are used in vegetable broth or
"Lal Mirchi" in Urdu - also known as "Guinea Pepper",
"Bird Pepper" or, especially in its powdered form, "Red
Pepper" is a hot, red chili pepper used to flavor dishes and for medicinal
"Ajmud" in Urdu - is a widely cultivated herb with aromatic leaf
stalks that is eaten raw or cooked.
"Cheeni Ka Powder" or "Shakkar
Ka Powder" in Urdu - also known as "Powdered
Sugar" or "Icing Sugar", is very fine powdered sugar. When
intended for home use, it typically contains a small amount of anti-caking
"Paneer" in Urdu - is a fresh
cheese common in South Asian cuisine, is an unaged, acid-set, non-melting
farmer cheese made by curdling heated milk with lemon juice or other food acid.
Unlike most cheeses in the world, the making of paneer does not involve rennet
as the coagulation agent, thus making it completely lacto-vegetarian and
providing an important source of protein.
"Murghi" in Urdu - is a
domesticated fowl. As one of the most common and widespread domestic animals,
and with a population of more than 24 billion in 2003, there are more chickens
in the world than any other bird.
"Murgh Ki Yakhni"
or "Murgh Ka Shorba" in Urdu - also called "Chicken Stock" is a liquid in which
chicken bones and meat are simmered to make a juice. It is used as a basis for
other edible liquids such as soup, gravy, or sauce. It can be eaten alone or
with garnish.
"Murgh Ki Yakhni"
or "Murgh Ka Shorba" in Urdu - also called "Chicken Broth" is a liquid in which
chicken bones and meat are simmered to make a juice. It is used as a basis for other
edible liquids such as soup, gravy, or sauce. It can be eaten alone or with
"Kabuli Chana" in
Urdu - is also called garbanzo bean, indian pea, ceci bean, bengal
gram and is an edible legume of the family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae.
Chickpeas are high in protein and one of the earliest cultivated vegetables.
7,500-year-old remains have been found in the Middle East .
"Besan" in Urdu - is a flour
made by grinding up dried chick peas. Also known as "garbanzo flour".
"Mirch" in Urdu - is a spicy
fresh or dried fruit of any of several cultivated varieties of capsicum, used
especially to add heat, or as a flavouring in cooking.
"Mirch" in Urdu - is a spicy
fresh or dried fruit of any of several cultivated varieties of capsicum, used
especially to add heat, or as a flavouring in cooking.
"Hara Dhania" in
Urdu - and also called Coriander Leaf, is a young leaf of the
coriander plant, this herb is popular in Middle Eastern, Mexican, and Asian
cooking as a cooling counterpoint to fiery spices. The taste is a mix of
parsley and citrus.
"Dal Cheeni" in
Urdu - is the bark of a tree with a sharp, sweet taste and is used
whole in hot oil to flavour curries and pulaos.
"Tatri" in Urdu - is a weak
organic acid, and it is a natural preservative and is also used to add an
acidic, or sour, taste to foods and soft drinks. In biochemistry, it is
important as an intermediate in the citric acid cycle and therefore occurs in
the metabolism of virtually all living things.
"Ghee" in Urdu - is
anhydrous milkfat rendered from butter to separate the milk solids and water
from the butterfat. Typically, it is produced by melting butter and allowing
the different components to separate by density.
"Tandoor" in Urdu - is a
cylindrical clay oven used in cooking and baking. The tandoor is used for
cooking in Pakistan , Afghanistan , India ,
Turkey , Iran , Armenia ,
the Transcaucasus, the Balkans, the Middle East, Central Asia as well as Burma and Bangladesh .
"Loung" in Urdu - is the
aromatic dried flower bud of a tree in the family Myrtaceae. Cloves are native
to Indonesia
and used as a spice in cuisines all over the world.
"Guar Phali" in
Urdu - is an annual legume and the source of guar gum. It grows best
under conditions with frequent rainfall, but tolerates arid conditions well.
80% of world production occurs in India , but, due to strong demand,
the plant is being introduced into new areas.
"Naariyal" or
"Khopra" in Urdu - is the fruit of the coconut palm, Cocos nucifera, having a
fibrous husk surrounding a large seed; The hard-shelled seed of this fruit,
having white flesh and a fluid-filled central cavity; The edible white flesh of
this fruit is the coconut palm.
"Naariyal Ka Tail"
or "Khopray Ka Tail" in Urdu - is extracted from the kernel or meat of matured coconut
harvested from the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera). Throughout the tropical world
it has provided the primary source of fat in the diets of millions of people
for generations.
"Arvi" in Urdu - also known
as "Tarro" or "Dasheen", is a genus of 25 or more species
of flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to tropical Polynesia and
southeastern Asia .
"Arvi Ke Pattay" in
Urdu - also known as "Tarro Leaves" or "Dasheen
Leaves", are the leaves of the Colocasia Vegetable and are used as Greens.
They are often cooked along with the vegetable when prepared Pakistani style.
"Hara Dhania" in
Urdu - is a pungent herb, also called "cilantro" and
"Chinese parsley," and is used in highly seasoned foods and is
purported to be one of the world's most popular herbs.
"Hara Dhania" in
Urdu - is a pungent herb, also called "cilantro" and
"Chinese parsley," and is used in highly seasoned foods and is
purported to be one of the world's most popular herbs.
"Pisa Dhania" in
Urdu - is a powder form made with Coriander Seeds. It is a light
spice and is used in most Pakistani dishes to enhance flavor.
"Dhania" or
"Saabut Dhania" in Urdu - is a spice used in Pakistani foods and curries. It acts as a
thickener. Roasted coriander seeds, called dhana dal, are eaten as a snack.
Coriander seeds are also boiled with water and drunk as indigenous medicine for
"Bhutta" or
"Makai" in Urdu - is a yellow vegetable used and eaten in many forms. It is a
summer time favorite in Pakistan
and Indian often roasted on fire and sprinkled with salt.
"Bhutta" or
"Makai" in Urdu - is a yellow vegetable used and eaten in many forms. It is a
summer time favorite in Pakistan
and Indian often roasted on fire and sprinkled with salt.
"Bhuttay Ka Aata"
or "Makai Ka Aata" in Urdu - is a flour milled from corn and can be blended with cornmeal
to make cornbread or muffins.
"Bhuttay Ka Daana"
or "Makai Ka Daana" in Urdu - are kernels from Corn On the Cob, a yellow vegetable used and
eaten in many forms. It is a summer time favorite in Pakistan and Indian often roasted on
fire and sprinkled with salt.
Cottage Cheese
"Paneer" in Urdu - is a cheese curd product with a mild flavor. It
is drained, but not pressed so some whey remains and the individual curds
remain loose. The curd is usually washed to remove acidity giving sweet curd
cheese. It is not aged or colored.
"Kaikra" in Urdu - are prepared and eaten as a dish in several
different ways all over the world. Some species are eaten whole, including the
shell, such as soft-shell crab; with other species just the claws and/or legs
are eaten. In some regions spices improve the culinary experience. In Asia , masala crab and chilli crab are examples of heavily
spiced dishes.
"Dalia" in Urdu - also known as "Bulgar Wheat" or
"Broken Wheat", is made by milling wheat grains coarsely. It is
cleaned and husked and then processed to the required size. It is highly
nutritious as it does not undergo refining. When cooked, broken wheat has a
very hearty, warm aroma and a grainy, delightful taste. It is slightly nutty and
"Karonda" in Urdu - grows on a low, creeping shrub with slender, wiry
stems. It is a berry fruit that is larger than the leaves of the plant. It is
initially white, but turns deep red when fully ripe. Regular consumption of
cranberries has been linked to better urinary tract health.
"Misri" in Urdu - is very coarse granulated sugar used as
decoration to give a jewel like appearance. It is a preparation of sugar
crystals, used in Pakistan
as a type of candy, or formed into cakes to sweeten milk.
"Kheera" in Urdu - is a long, green, cylinder-shaped member of the
gourd family with edible seeds surrounded by mild, crisp flesh. Used in salads,
or making pickles and usually eaten raw. Cucumbers have been cultivated for
thousands of years.
"Chironji" or "Charoli" in
Urdu - are seeds of Buchanania lanzan
used as a cooking spice primarily in India . Charoli are tiny
almond-flavoured dried seeds of a bush called Buchanania lanzan, which is
cultivated across India ,
primarily in the northwest.
"Zeera" in Urdu - is the seed of a small umbelliferous plant. The
seeds come as paired or separate carpels. They have a striped pattern of nine
ridges and oil canals, and are hairy, brownish in colour, boat-shaped, tapering
at each extremity, with tiny stalks attached. It is a basic ingredient for
Pakistani cooking.
"Pisa Zeera" in Urdu - is a powder made of Cumin Seeds. It is an
essential spice for Pakistani dishes, often used as a garnish to add taste.
"Kishmish" in Urdu - also called "Raisins", are dried grapes
that have a higher sugar content and a different flavor from regular grapes.
Raisins are eaten out-of-hand and used in cereals, puddings, cookies, cakes,
muffins, stuffings, salads, and rolls.
"Karhi Patta" in Urdu - are leaves of a tree used fresh to flavour
curries and dry, vegetable dishes. It is used extensively in Pakistan and India .
"Shareefa" in Urdu - also called bullock's heart or bull's heart, is
the fruit of the tree Annona reticulata. This tree is a small deciduous or
semi-evergreen tree sometimes reaching tall and a native of the tropical New World that prefers low elevations, and a warm, humid
"Arvi" in Urdu - also known as "Taro" or "Colocasia",
is a tropical plant grown primarily as a root vegetable for its edible corm,
and secondarily as a leaf vegetable. It is considered a staple in Oceanic
cultures. It is believed to have been one of the earliest cultivated plants.
"Arvi Ke Pattay" in Urdu - also known as "Tarro Leaves" or
"Colocasia Leaves", are the leaves of the Dasheen Vegetable and are
used as Greens. They are often cooked along with the vegetable when prepared
Pakistani style.
"Khajoor" in Urdu - are the fruits of the date palm tree which is a
food of high nutritional value. They are used abundantly in the month of
Ramadan. Dates have many other health benefits.
"Sowa" in Urdu - is a hardy, aromatic herb that has been
cultivated for thousands of years. Marketed in two forms: dill weed, which is
the dried leaves; and dill seed, the dried seeds of the herb.
"Gunda Huwa Aata" in Urdu - is a combination of ingredients usually including
flour, water or milk and sometimes, a leaven, producing a pliable mixture for
making baked goods. Dough is commonly used for preparing rotis and parathay.
"Sukhi Huwi Khubaani" in Urdu - is made by drying the Apricot fruit. It is
vibrant in flavor and color and is great and ideal for snacks.
"Aaloo Bukhara" in Urdu - also called a prune, the dried plum is usually
sold as dried fruit. Fresh plums that are marketed as "prunes" have
an oval shape and a more easily removed pit. It is commonly used in making a
"Shinga Phali" or "Saijan Ki
Phali" in Urdu - is a fairly common vegetable
grown all over Pakistan and India . It is
valued mainly for the tender pod. It is antibacterial and a wonderful cleanser.
"Kasoori Methi" in Urdu - are hygenic, flavorful & tasty. They are used
over curries and non juicy vegetable dishes before serving for a flavor boost.
It is also added to dough for making naan and parathas.
"Sonth" in Urdu - is made by drying Ginger Root. Powdered dry
ginger root is typically used as a flavoring for recipes such as gingerbread,
cookies, crackers, cake, and ginger ale.
"Aam Choor" in Urdu - is made from raw green mangoes that are cut,
sun-dried, and pounded into powder. It is used much like lemon is used in
Western cooking; but it gives food a tangy, sour taste without adding moisture.
Its tart flavor is used as a souring agent in soups, dals, vegetable dishes and
chutneys. It is also sprinkled over meats to tenderize them before cooking.
"Maiva" or "Khoya" or
"Khoa" in Urdu - is a milk food, made of either
dried whole milk or milk thickened by heating in an open iron pan. It is
similar to ricotta cheese, but lower in moisture and made from whole milk
instead of whey.
"Chandi Ka Warq" in Urdu - is an ultra fine foil that is used to garnish and
decorate Pakistani dessert dishes.
"Anda" in Urdu - is a spheroid or ovoid shaped cell laid by
females of many different species, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, and
fish. Eggs have been eaten by mankind for millennia.
"Baingan" in Urdu - Also known as "Aubergine" or
"Brinjals", belong to the nightshade family of vegetables, which also
includes tomatoes, sweet peppers and potatoes. They grow in a manner much like
tomatoes, hanging from the vines of a plant that grows several feet in height.
While the different varieties do range slightly in taste and texture, one can
generally describe the eggplant as having a pleasantly bitter taste and spongy
"Anday Ki Safaidi" in Urdu - is the common name for the clear liquid (also
called the albumen or the glair/glaire) contained within an egg.
"Zardi" in Urdu - also called, the "Yolk", is the yellow
round in an egg, which contains all of the fat and is a good source of protein,
iron, vitamin A, vitamin D, choline, and phosphorus. The egg white is a good
source of protein and riboflavin.
"Saim Ki Phali" in Urdu - Fava bean is also known as horse bean, windsor bean, english
bean, tick bean, broad bean, field bean, and pigeon bean. Broad beans are
sometimes classified into subspecies according to varieties and their uses in
various countries. Thus, subspecies faba var. minor is the beck, tick, or
pigeon bean, greatly used for human consumption in the Arabic world, but also
used for animal forage, like the horse bean (var. equina) specifically fed to
horses. The broad bean proper, also known as Windsor or straight bean, is var. major.
Indian varieties, generally dried and eaten as pulses, are classified as
subspecies paucyuga.
"Bari Sounf" in Urdu - is similar to aniseeds, but longer, more subtle
and used in cooking. They have a distinct liquorice-like taste.
"Methi" in Urdu - is a plant in the family Fabaceae. Fenugreek is
used both as an herb (the leaves) and as a spice (the seed). It is cultivated
worldwide as a semi-arid crop. It is frequently used in curry.
"Methi Daana" in Urdu - come from the Fenugreek plant and used as a spice
in Pakistani and Indian cooking. They are also ground and roasted and used in
the flavoring of curry.
"Anjeer" in Urdu - is a variety of oblong or pear-shaped fruit that
grows in warm climates; generally, it has a thick, soft skin that is green,
yellow, orange or purple, tannish-purple flesh with a sweet flavor and many
tiny edible seeds; available fresh or dried.
"Machli" in Urdu - has been an important source of protein for
humans throughout recorded history. Fish is traditionally cooked in a saalan
curry or fried with masala spices.
"Machli Ki Yakhni" or "Machli Ka
Shorba" in Urdu - also called "Fish
Stock", is a liquid in which fish meat and bones are simmered for a long
"Machli Ki Yakhni" or "Machli Ka
Shorba" in Urdu - also called "Fish
Broth", is a liquid in which fish meat and bones are simmered for a long
"Poha" in Urdu - is used for snacks, savories and fried dishes.
"Alsi" in Urdu - also known as "Linseed", is an edible
plant seeds that is an excellent source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
"Alsi Ka Tail" in Urdu - also known as "Linseed Oil", is a clear
to yellowish oil obtained from the dried ripe seeds of the flax plant. The oil
is obtained by cold pressing, sometimes followed by solvent extraction.
"Aata" in Urdu - is a powder made of cereal grains, other seeds,
or roots. It is the main ingredient of bread, rotis, and naans.
"Phal" in Urdu - is an edible seed-bearing part of a plant, often
colourful/colorful and fragrant, produced from a floral ovary after fertilization;
Any sweet, edible part of a plant that resembles seed-bearing fruit.
"Lehsan" in Urdu - is a member of the lily family (Allium sativum);
the highly aromatic and strongly flavored edible bulb (called a head) is
covered in a papery layer and is composed of several sections (called cloves),
each of which is also covered with a papery membrane; used as a distinctive
flavoring in cuisines.
"Pisa Lehsan" in Urdu - is a paste made from fresh Garlic. It has an even
finer texture than minced garlic. This is an essential ingredient for Pakistani
dishes and is usually paired up with Ginger and often sold as a mixed form of
both ingredients.
"Baghaar" in Urdu - is a substance used as an embellishment or
decoration on a prepared food dish or drink item. In some cases, it may give
added or contrasting flavor, but a typical garnish is used to augment the
visual impact of the plate, not just enhance the flavor.
"Tindora" in Urdu - is a fruit similar in form and nutritional value to
a cucumber.
"Til" in Urdu - also called "Sesame", is an East Indian
annual erect herb; source of sesame seed or benniseed and sesame oil.
"Til Ka Tail" in Urdu - also called "Sesame Oil", is an edible
vegetable oil derived from sesame seeds. Besides being used as a cooking oil in
Pakistan and South India , it is often used as a flavor enhancer in
Chinese, Korean, and to a lesser extent Southeast Asian cuisine.
"Adrak" in Urdu - is a tuber that is consumed whole as a delicacy, medicine,
or spice. It is commonly used whole or as a paste form in typically every
Pakistani dish, along with Garlic.
"Pisa Lehsan" in Urdu - is a paste made from fresh Ginger. It is a
pungent, aromatic paste that can be used as a marinade for meat, poultry and
seafood or added to sauces. This is an essential ingredient for Pakistani
dishes and is usually paired up with Ginger and often sold as a mixed form of
both ingredients.
"Bakra" in Urdu - is the flesh or meat of a domesticated animal
closely related to the sheep.
"Amla" in Urdu - is a fruit closely related to the currant; Any of
several other unrelated fruits, such as the Chinese gooseberry (kiwifruit) and
the Indian gooseberry (amla); an additional person that is neither necessary
nor wanted in a given situation.
"Besan" in Urdu - A flour made from ground chickpeas, a legume
otherwise known as chana dal. It is also known as chickpea flour, garbanzo
flour, or besan . Used in many countries, it is a staple ingredient in Indian,
Pakistani and Bangladeshi cuisines, and in the form of a paste with water or
yoghurt, a popular facial exfoliant in the Indian Subcontinent. Moreover, when
mixed with an equal proportion of water, can be used as an egg-replacer in
vegan cooking.
"Dal" in Urdu - comes in many types of Gram Lentils. Some are:
Yellow Gram, Black Gram, and Split Gram. Yellow Gram is a common type cooked
which is Chana Dal.
"Shakkar" or "Cheeni" in
Urdu - is an informal term for a class
of edible crystalline substances, mainly sucrose, lactose, and fructose
characterized by a sweet flavor. In food, sugar almost exclusively refers to
sucrose, which primarily comes from sugar cane and sugar beet.
"Angoor" in Urdu - is the non-climacteric fruit, botanically a true
berry, that grows on the perennial and deciduous woody vines of the genus
Vitis. Grapes can be eaten raw or used for making jam, juice, jelly, vinegar,
drugs, wine, grape seed extracts, raisins, and grape seed oil.
"Saalan" in Urdu - is a sauce made often from the juices that run
naturally from meat or vegetables during cooking.
"Phali" in Urdu - is a long, slender green pod that contains
several small seeds; the entire crisp pod is edible; also known as a string
bean (because of the fibrous string that runs down the side; modern varieties
do not have this fiber), fresh bean and snap bean.
"Bair" or "Ber" in Urdu - also known as "Indian Jujube", is a
tropical fruit that grows on a Ber Tree. It usually varies in shape, colour and
size and may be round, oval or oblong in shape or yellow, green, reddish or
purple/dark brown in colour.
"Hari Mirch" in Urdu - are commonly used in Pakistani and Indian dishes.
They are also eaten fresh and whole with meals. Some dishes in North India,
especially Punjab are served with fresh whole
green chilis, along with lime or tomato slices.
"Moong" in Urdu - is erect bushy annual widely cultivated in warm
regions of India and Indonesia and United States for forage and
especially its edible seeds; chief source of bean sprouts used in Chinese
"Hari Pyaz" in Urdu - also known as, scallion, spring onion, or salad
onion in many countries, is an edible plant. The upper green portion is hollow.
It lacks a fully developed root bulb. Harvested for their taste, they are
milder than most onions.
"Mattar" in Urdu - is most commonly the small spherical seed or the
seed-pod of the legume Pisum sativum. Each pod contains several peas. Although
it is botanically a fruit, it is treated as a vegetable in cooking.
"Kashi Phal" or "Kaddu" in
Urdu - is a gourd-like squash commonly
cooked as a Kaddu Bhaji with Pakistani Spices.
"Moong Phali" in Urdu - also called peanut is the pod of the peanut vine
containing usually 2 nuts or seeds; `groundnut' and `monkey nut' are British
"Amrood" in Urdu - is a fruit which is usually round or oval shaped.
The outer skin may be rough, and taste bitter, or soft and sweet. The skin can
vary in thickness and is usually green before maturity, but becomes yellow,
maroon, or remains green when ripe. The fragrance is similar to lemon rind but
less sharp.
"Jari Booti" in Urdu - is a plant that is valued for flavor, scent, or
other qualities. Herbs are used in cooking, as medicines, and for spiritual
"Shehed" in Urdu - is a sweet food made by certain insects using
nectar from flowers. The variety produced by honey bees (the genus Apis) is the
one most commonly referred to and is the type of honey collected by beekeepers
and consumed by humans.
"Baraf" in Urdu - is liquid water froze below 0 degrees to solid
"Cheeni Ka Powder" or "Shakkar
Ka Powder" in Urdu - also known as "Powdered Sugar"
or "Confectioner's Sugar", is very fine powdered sugar. When intended
for home use, it typically contains a small amount of anti-caking agent.
"Amla" in Urdu - is a fruit closely related to the currant; Any of
several other unrelated fruits, such as the Chinese gooseberry (kiwifruit) and
the Indian gooseberry (amla); an additional person that is neither necessary
nor wanted in a given situation.
"Bair" or "Ber" in Urdu - also known as "Green Berry", is a
tropical fruit that grows on a Ber Tree. It usually varies in shape, colour and
size and may be round, oval or oblong in shape or yellow, green, reddish or
purple/dark brown in colour.
"Katahal" in Urdu - is a large fruit related to the fig and the
breadfruit. This fruit, indigenous to Africa, Brazil ,
and Southeast Asia , which weighs up to 100
pounds, is used in desserts.
"Gurh" in Urdu - is an unrefined sugar made from the juice of
crushed sugar cane stalks. It can be found in Pakistani and East Indian markets,
usually in one of two forms; a soft golden sugar with a spreadable texture and
a solid cake-like form.
"Rajma" in Urdu - are the mature seeds of green beans; large,
kidney-shaped beans with a robust, full-bodied flavor and soft texture. They
come in dark reddish-brown, brown, black and white varieties and are usually
only available dried or canned.
"Bhindi" in Urdu - also known as "Okra", are long green
pod vegetables with a slightly furry skin, full of soft creamy seeds, and are
often used to thicken soups and stews. During cooking, they produce a glutinous
juice which thickens any dish to which it is added.
"Dumba" in Urdu - is the flesh of a young domestic sheep eaten as
"Limbu" in Urdu - is a small evergreen tree (Citrus limon)
originally native to Asia , and is also the
name of the tree's oval yellow fruit.
"Leemu Ka Ras" in Urdu - is the liquid extract of lemon fruit, notably
sour and often condensed, as used especially in food preparation; Lemonade, a
fruit juice made from lemons.
"Limbu Ka Chilka" in Urdu - also called lemon zest, when used as an
ingredient, refers to shavings of the thin yellow outer skin of the lemon. It
contains strong smelling oils which are used to flavor many baked goods.
"Limbu Ka Chilka" in Urdu - also called lemon rind, when used as an
ingredient, refers to shavings of the thin yellow outer skin of the lemon. It
contains strong smelling oils which are used to flavor many baked goods.
"Dal" in Urdu - considered being the most nutritious and rich of
the entire legume family. Lentils are a top source of protein and are high in
phosphorous, zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamins A and B complex. Lentils
are great when cooked as a curry, as a soup, salad or side dish.
"Patta Gobhi" in Urdu - is the common type of lettuce used in salads.
There are three common varieties of lettuce found in the supermarket:
crisphead, which has a tight solid head ; cos or romaine, Lettuce which has
elongated, coarse leaves; and butteredheads or cabbage, which has loose, coarse
"Limbu" in Urdu - is a term referring to a number of different
fruits, both species and hybrids, citruses, which are typically round, green to
yellow in color, 3–6 cm in diameter, and containing sour and acidic pulp. Limes
are often used to accent the flavours of foods and beverages.
"Alsi" in Urdu - also known as "Flax Seed", is an edible
plant seeds that is an excellent source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.
"Alsi Ka Tail" in Urdu - also known as "Flax Seed Oil", is a
clear to yellowish oil obtained from the dried ripe seeds of the flax plant.
The oil is obtained by cold pressing, sometimes followed by solvent extraction.
"Kaleji" in Urdu - is delicious when cooked with hot spices. It is
commonly made in a curry or fried with various spices.
"Basmati Chawal" in Urdu - are brown or white rice kernels averaging about 7
millimeters in length which are about 5 times as long as they are wide. These
grains cook up fluffy and separate.
"Kanwal Kakri" in Urdu - also known as "Lotus Stem", is a root
vegetable that is indigenous to Asia , and is
found underwater. Similar in shape to a long squash, it is not uncommon for
lotus roots to grow to a length of four feet. The exterior of this root is
covered with a peel that is a reddish brown color in appearance, with a white
interior that has the appearance of lace. The meat of the lotus root has a
texture that is slightly crunchy, and mildly sweet.
"Kanwal Kakri" in Urdu - also known as "Lotus Root", is a root
vegetable that is indigenous to Asia , and is
found underwater. Similar in shape to a long squash, it is not uncommon for
lotus roots to grow to a length of four feet. The exterior of this root is
covered with a peel that is a reddish brown color in appearance, with a white
interior that has the appearance of lace. The meat of the lotus root has a
texture that is slightly crunchy, and mildly sweet.
"Javantri" in Urdu - like nutmeg is used to flavor cakes and other
sweets, but mace is also used in many savory dishes. These include meats,
sauces, curries, pickling, ketchup, and even Worcestershire sauce. It can be
used as a nutmeg substitute in most recipes. This spice is sweeter and milder,
but has a similar flavor to nutmeg.
"Makai" in Urdu - is all annual cereal grass bearing kernels on
large ears. Maize was an earlier term for corn and one of the foods served at
American harvest celebrations.
"Aam" in Urdu - is a fruit commonly cultivated and used for food.
It is commonly eaten by itself or prepared in Mango Chutney.
"Aam Choor" in Urdu - is made of sour, unripe mangoes that are dried
and sold in slices and powder. Their primary use is in Pakistani and Indian
cooking, giving foods a sweet and sour flavor.
"Gosht" in Urdu - is animal flesh that is cooked and used as food.
"Kharbooza" in Urdu - are any of numerous fruits of the gourd family
having a hard rind and sweet juicy flesh.
"Doodh" in Urdu - is an opaque white liquid produced by the mammary
glands of mammals. It provides the primary source of nutrition for young
mammals before they are able to digest other types of food. The early lactation
milk is known as colostrum, and carries the mother's antibodies to the baby.
"Balai" in Urdu - is a dairy product that is composed of the
higher-butterfat layer skimmed from the top of milk before homogenization. In
un-homogenized milk, over time, the lighter fat rises to the top.
"Baajra" in Urdu - are a group of small-seeded species of cereal
crops or grains, widely grown around the world for food and fodder.
"Baajray Ka Aata" in Urdu - is flour made of Millet that has a subtle flavor,
lots of vitamins and minerals, and adds a lovely creamy color to baked goods.
"Keema" in Urdu - is typically minced beef, lamb or goat meat
prepared in a curry.
"Podina" in Urdu - without a qualifier like peppermint or apple
mint, generally refers to spearmint leaves.
"Achaar" in Urdu - is pickles made from a variety of vegetables
mixed together in the same pickling process. Mixed pickles are eaten much like
other pickles: in small amounts to add flavor and to accent a meal.
"Sarson" in Urdu - is pungent powder or paste prepared from ground
mustard seeds.
"Sarson Ka Tail" in Urdu - is used for three different oils that are made
from mustard seeds: A fatty vegetable oil resulting from pressing the seeds, An
essential oil resulting from grinding the seeds, mixing them with water, and
extracting the resulting volatile oil by distillation.
"Rai" in Urdu - of the various mustard plants are among the
smallest of seeds. The seeds are about 3mm in diameter, and may be colored from
yellowish white to black. They are important spices in many regional cuisines.
"Bakray Ka Gosht" in Urdu - is the meat from a mature sheep, dark red in
color and rich in flavor.
"Neem Ka Phool" in Urdu - used as condiments and for food flavoring. They
are white in color, generally 5mm long and have a peculiar fragrance and
produce nectar.
"Kalonji" in Urdu - also called Onion Seeds, these seeds are used as
a spice in Pakistani, Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. The dry roasted
nigella seeds flavor curries, vegetables and pulses.
"Jaifal" in Urdu - is an oval seed from a tropical tree, which is
dried, ground and used to flavor a wide variety of sweet and savory dishes.
Nutmeg (Jaifal) and Mace (Javantri) are a combination of spices used together
in some Pakistani dishes.
"Tail" in Urdu - is a substance that is liquid at ambient
temperatures and is hydrophobic but soluble in organic solvents. It is used for
cooking and is a major ingredient used in most Pakistani dishes.
"Bhindi" in Urdu - also known as "Lady Fingers", are long
green pod vegetables with a slightly furry skin, full of soft creamy seeds, and
are often used to thicken soups and stews. During cooking, they produce a
glutinous juice which thickens any dish to which it is added.
"Zaitoon" in Urdu - is a small ovoid fruit of the European olive
tree; important food and source of oil.
"Zaitoon Ka Tail" in Urdu - is a vegetable oil, pressed from olives, and used
in cooking and as a salad dressing; it is high in unsaturated fatty acids.
"Pyaz" in Urdu - is the bulb of an onion plant and an aromatic
flavorful vegetable used commonly in most Pakistani dishes.
"Kalonji" in Urdu - also called Nigella Seeds, these seeds are used as
a spice in Pakistani, Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. The dry roasted
nigella seeds flavor curries, vegetables and pulses.
"Mousambi" in Urdu - specifically the sweet orange is a citrus and is
a fruit.
"Mousambi Ka Ras" in Urdu - is a popular beverage made from the extraction
(squeezing) of liquid from fresh oranges. The term "orange juice" is
also used, both colloquially and commercially, to refer to "concentrated
orange juice".
"Ajwain" in Urdu - also referred as "Bishops Weed", is a
beneficial herb that is used in culinary process as spice as well as a major
ingredient of different kind of medicines. Ajwain seeds are small in size but
taste hot, penchant and bitter.
"Papita" in Urdu - unlike most other common fruits, is warming. The
enzyme papain, which aids digestion, is found in high levels in unripe papayas
and is especially concentrated in the seeds. Papayas are an excellent source of
vitamins A, C, and E, and are rich in calcium, iron, potassium, and phosphorus.
"Ajmod" in Urdu - is an aromatic herb with flat or crinkly leaves
that are cut finely and used to garnish food.
"Aarhu" in Urdu - can be red, pink, yellow, white, or a combination
of those colors. On one side of the fruit is a distinctive vertical
indentation. Peaches and nectarines look very similar, but they can be told
apart by their skin texture: peaches are fuzzy and dull, while nectarines are
smooth and shiny.
"Moongphali" in Urdu - also called ground nut, is the pod of the peanut
vine containing usually 2 nuts or seeds; `groundnut' and `monkey nut' are
British terms.
"Naashpaati" in Urdu - is an edible fruit produced by the pear tree,
similar to an apple but elongated towards the stem.
"Baajra" in Urdu - is the most widely grown type of millet. Grown in
Africa and the Indian subcontinent since prehistoric times, it is generally
accepted that pearl millet originated in Africa and was subsequently introduced
into India .
"Mattar" in Urdu - are the edible seeds contained within the pods of
various vines; the seeds are generally shelled and the pod discarded; although
available fresh, peas are usually marketed canned or frozen.
"Kaali Mirch" or "Seeya
Mirch" in Urdu - is a powder made from seeds
(peppercorns) of the plant Piper Nigrum which is commonly used as a spice.
Usually but not always used ground or crushed. Pepper Corns also come in forms
that produce white pepper and several other varieties.
"Saabut Kaali Mirch" in Urdu - Seeds (peppercorns) of the plant Piper Nigrum
which is commonly used as a spice. Usually but not always used ground or
crushed. Pepper Corns also come in forms that produce white pepper and several
other varieties.
"Achaar" in Urdu - or mixed pickle, is pickles made from a variety
of vegetables mixed together in the same pickling process. Mixed pickles are
eaten much like other pickles: in small amounts to add flavor and to accent a
"Toor Dal" in Urdu - are Round peas the size of a small garden pea.
Young pigeon peas may be eaten green, but the seed is usually used mature and
dry, when it is brownish in color with flecks of gray.
"Ananas" in Urdu - is a tropical plant native to South America,
having thirty or more long, spined and pointed leaves surrounding a thick stem;
The ovoid fruit of the pineapple plant, which has very sweet, white or yellow
flesh, a tough, spiky shell and a tough, fibrous core.
"Pista" in Urdu - are nuts that have a distinctive open shell,
allowing them to be roasted and salted whole. Eaten as a snack or used for
cooking. Pistachios go best with veal, port and poulty. The green colour makes
it very popular for creams and ice-creams. In confectionery it is especially
associated with nougat.
"Dahi" in Urdu - also spelled as "Yoghurt", is a dairy
product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. Fermentation of lactose
produces lactic acid, which acts on milk protein to give yogurt its texture and
its characteristic tang.
"Kacha Kaila" in Urdu - is closely related to bananas, but have more
starch and are always cooked. Green ones are unripe and are baked like
potatoes, for a Similar period of time. Yellow ones are half-ripe and are also
cooked like Potatoes but not so long.
"Alucha" in Urdu - is the edible, fleshy stone fruit of Prunus
domestica, often of a dark red or purple color; The stone-fruit tree which
bears this fruit, Prunus domestica; A dark bluish-red color.
"Anaar" in Urdu - is an orange-sized fruit with a hard leathery
skin. Inside are hundreds of edible seeds with a sweet pleasantly acidic taste.
Pomegranates are eaten out-of-hand, used in salads, and sprinkled over
"Anaar Daana" in Urdu - are the seeds found in a bunch inside a pomegranate
fruit. The seeds are sweet, juicy and bursting with flavor. Sprinkled in
salads, in fruit salads, over ice cream and sorbet, the seeds add an
interesting addition to any dish. The seeds are tasty eaten by themselves.
"Khash Khash" in Urdu - are pale seeds of the poppy plant used to add a
nutty and creamy thickness to curries and vegetables. It is also sprinkled
liberally on flatbreads like sesame seeds.
"Aaloo" in Urdu - is the swollen tip of an underground stem, and is
one of the world's most important foods. You can find almost every potato
variation, from mashed potatoes, potato salad, baked and fried like French
"Cheeni Ka Powder" or "Shakkar
Ka Powder" in Urdu - also known as
"Confectioner's Sugar" or "Icing Sugar", is very fine
powdered sugar. When intended for home use, it typically contains a small
amount of anti-caking agent.
"Jheenga" in Urdu - are Shrimp that are a little larger in size. They
are commonly cooked in a curry, with vegetables, or in Biryani.
"Mumurey" in Urdu - is a type of puffed grain made from rice; usually
made by heating rice kernels under high pressure in the presence of steam,
though the method of manufacture varies widely.
"Dal" in Urdu - are an annual leguminous crop yielding from one
to twelve seeds of variable size, shape, and color within a pod. Pulses are
used for food and animal feed.
"Kaddu" in Urdu - is a domesticated plant, Cucurbita pepo similar
in growth pattern, foliage, flower, and fruit to the squash or melon; The round
yellow or orange fruit of this plant.
"Lal Pyaz" in Urdu - also called red onions, are cultivars of the
onion with purplish red skin and white flesh tinged with red.
"Batair" in Urdu - is flesh of quail; suitable for roasting or
broiling if young; otherwise must be braised.
"Mooli" in Urdu - is a popular salad vegetable that is the root of
a plant from the mustard family. The flavor of radish can vary from mild to
peppery, depending on the variety and the age.
"Kishmish" in Urdu - also called "Currants", are dried
grapes that have a higher sugar content and a different flavor from regular
grapes. Raisins are eaten out-of-hand and used in cereals, puddings, cookies,
cakes, muffins, stuffings, salads, and rolls.
"Kacha Aam" or "Kairi" in
Urdu - is cultivated in many tropical
and subtropical regions and distributed widely in the world, mango is one of
the most extensively exploited fruits for food, juice, flavor, fragrance and
color. Raw Mango is often used in certain dishes, such as Chutney.
"Lal Mirch" in Urdu - is an extremely hot pepper added to cooking to
intensify the taste. It is a native of tropical South
America . In 1492, Columbus found
chili peppers in West Indies .
"Lal Pyaz" in Urdu - sometimes called purple onions, are cultivars of
the onion with purplish red skin and white flesh tinged with red.
"Kaddu" in Urdu - is a bright-orange squash that is sold in Indian
and Asian markets.
"Lal Masoor Dal" in Urdu - is a lentil that has a high carb count but a much
lower "net carb" or "digestible carb" content. It contains
several vitamins and minerals. It is a good source of dietary fiber, which has
a number of health benefits.
"Maida" in Urdu - is a powder made of cereal grains, other seeds,
or roots. It is the main ingredient of bread.
"Chawal" in Urdu - is the seed of a monocot plant Oryza sativa. As a
cereal grain, it is the most important staple food for a large part of the
world's human population including Pakistan
and India .
"Poha" in Urdu - is rice that has been parboiled and then rolled,
flattened, and dried to produce flakes. The flakes come in different
thicknesses depending on the pressure used in the flattening process. The
flakes are able to absorb a large volume of liquid when used in various dishes,
so they absorb flavors well. They are very popular in Asian cooking.
"Chawal Ka Aata" in Urdu - is a flour made from ground rice (Oryza sativa),
containing little to no fat, no cholesterol, and minimal sodium. Rice contains
all essential amino acids, and is a good source of B-complex vitamins and
essential minerals.
"Turai" in Urdu - are tropical plants believed to have originated
in India .
They are vegetables with a good source of carbohydrates, vitamin A, vitamin C
and minerals. The fruits may be fried, boiled, stuffed, dried, and pickled.
"Chilka" in Urdu - is the outer protective layer of a fruit or
vegetable, which can be peeled off. It is used in some marinade recipes to add
texture and flavor.
"Phula Chana" or "Bhuna
Chana" in Urdu - like other pulses, grow in pods
on small, bushy plants. They thrive in cold climates and are cultivated
extensively in the cool, dry Indo-Gangetic plains of India . They are obtained by
roasting chana lentils.
"Sendha Namak" in Urdu - is a salt derived from the huge seams of impacted
salt that have formed below the dried-out, underground saline lakes of
prehistoric times.
"Chakla" in Urdu - often used with the rolling pin, is a round flat
wooden board used to roll out dough to make a round shaped roti bread.
"Belan" in Urdu - often used with the rolling board, is a utensil
consisting of a cylinder (usually of wood) with a handle at each end; used to
roll out dough.
"Patta Gobhi" in Urdu - is the common type of lettuce used in salads.
There are three common varieties of lettuce found in the supermarket:
crisphead, which has a tight solid head ; cos or romaine, Lettuce which has
elongated, coarse leaves; and butteredheads or cabbage, which has loose, coarse
"Gongura" in Urdu - are leaves that are extensively used in Andhra
Cuisines usually steamed along with lentils and consumed as Dal and are also
mixed with spices.
"Gulaab Jal" or "Gulaab Ka
Arkh" in Urdu - also called rose water, has
been used for its cleansing and astringent benefits. It is a liquid with a
pleasant smell and is used on the skin as a perfume or to flavor food.
"Gulaab Jal" or "Gulaab Ka
Arkh" in Urdu - also called rose syrup, has
been used for its cleansing and astringent benefits. It is a liquid with a
pleasant smell and is used on the skin as a perfume or to flavor food.
"Zafran" or "Kesar" in Urdu
- is dried, yellow-orange stamens of the flower of
crocus sativus. Saffron is available as threads and as grains. The threads are
considered best, though far more expensive and are used in cooking.
"Sabudana" in Urdu - is powdery starch from certain sago palms; used
in Asia as a food thickener and textile
"Hari Pyaz" in Urdu - also known as, scallion, spring onion, or green
onion in many countries, is an edible plant. The upper green portion is hollow.
It lacks a fully developed root bulb. Harvested for their taste, they are
milder than most onions.
"Namak" in Urdu - is a dietary mineral composed primarily of sodium
chloride that is essential for animal life, but can be toxic to many land
plants. Salt flavor is one of the basic tastes, making salt one of the oldest,
most ubiquitous food seasoning. Salting is an important method of food
"Hari Pyaz" in Urdu - also known as, spring onion, salad onion or green
onion in many countries, is an edible plant. The upper green portion is hollow.
It lacks a fully developed root bulb. Harvested for their taste, they are
milder than most onions.
"Kewra" in Urdu - is an essence with a strong and sweet aroma and
is used to flavour biryanis, kababs and kormas.
"Sooji" or "Rawa" in Urdu - is the purified wheat middlings of durum wheat
used in making pasta; also, the coarse middlings are used for breakfast cereals
and puddings. But in Pakistani cooking, it is primarily used in desserts.
"Til" in Urdu - also called "Gingelly", is an East
Indian annual erect herb; source of sesame seed or benniseed and sesame oil.
"Til Ka Tail" in Urdu - also called "Gingelly Oil", is an
edible vegetable oil derived from sesame seeds. Besides being used as a cooking
oil in Pakistan and South India , it is often used as a flavor enhancer in
Chinese, Korean, and to a lesser extent Southeast Asian cuisine.
"Til" in Urdu - also called "Gingelly", is an East
Indian annual erect herb; source of sesame seed or benniseed and sesame oil.
"Akhrot" in Urdu - are nuts with a distinctive brain shape that are
used in sweet and savoury cooking, and are good pickled and served with cheese.
They can also be used finely chopped with sweet dishes or roughly chopped with
salads and stir fries. They are naturally shaped like the brain and also
benefit the brain in many ways.
"Jheenga" in Urdu - also called "Prawns", may be small, but
are huge in their appeal as these deliciously clean and crisp tasting
crustaceans can be served hot or cold and are the most popular seafood.
"Channi" in Urdu - separates wanted elements from unwanted material
using a filter such as a mesh or net. However, in cooking, especially with
flour, a sifter is used to aerate the substance, among other things. A strainer
is a type of sieve typically used to separate a solid from a liquid.
"Chichinda" in Urdu - also called "Serpent Gourd", is a
strikingly long fruit, used as a vegetable and medicine purposes.
"Yakhni" in Urdu - also called "Stock" or
"Broth", is a liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered; used
as a basis for soups or sauces.
"Podina" in Urdu - without a qualifier like peppermint or apple
mint, generally refers to mint leaves.
"Masala" in Urdu - is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark, leaf, or
vegetative substance used in nutritionally insignificant quantities as a food
additive for the purpose of flavour, colour, or as a preservative that kills
harmful bacteria or prevents their growth.
"Paalak" in Urdu - is an extremely healthy vegetable with dark
green, spear-shaped leaves that can be curled or smooth and are attached to
thin stems; the leaves have a slightly bitter flavor and are eaten raw or
"Chana Dal" in Urdu - are delicious, wholesome beans that are used in
dishes across the world. This type of lentil is very popular and is made as a
"Besan" in Urdu - is a flour made from ground gram lentils, a
legume otherwise known as chickpeas. It is also known as chickpea flour or
garbanzo flour.
"Masoor Ki Dal" or "Lal Masoor
Ki Dal" in Urdu - also called "Split Red
Gram", are skinned and split redish to orangish lentils. They cook quickly
and are a common lentil prepared with Pakistani spices.
"Masoor Ki Dal" or "Lal Masoor
Ki Dal" in Urdu - also called "Split Orange
Gram", are skinned and split redish to orangish lentils. They cook quickly
and are a common lentil prepared with Pakistani spices.
"Hari Pyaz" in Urdu - also known as, scallion, salad onion or green
onion in many countries, is an edible plant. The upper green portion is hollow.
It lacks a fully developed root bulb. Harvested for their taste, they are
milder than most onions.
"Yakhni" or "Shorba" in
Urdu - also called "Soup" or
"Broth", is a liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered; used
as a basis for soups or sauces.
"Shakkar" or "Cheeni" in
Urdu - is an informal term for a class
of edible crystalline substances, mainly sucrose, lactose, and fructose
characterized by a sweet flavor. In food, sugar almost exclusively refers to
sucrose, which primarily comes from sugar cane and sugar beet.
"Ganna" in Urdu - are juicy canes whose sap is a source of molasses
and commercial sugar; fresh canes are sometimes chewed for the juice.
"Munakkay" in Urdu - is the dried form of small green grapes. They are
sweet and moist and are mostly used in fruit cakes, breads and cereals.
"Mousambi" in Urdu - is a species of citrus. Common names for
varieties of this species include sweet limetta, Mediterranean sweet lemon, and
sweet lime.
"Mousambi" in Urdu - is a species of citrus. Common names for
varieties of this species include sweet limetta, Mediterranean sweet lemon, and
sweet lemon.
"Shakkarkandi" in Urdu - is a variety of sweet potato with a thick, dark
orange skin and an orange flesh that remains moist when cooked; sometimes
erroneously called a yam.
"Sheera" in Urdu - also called simple syrup or sugar syrup, is a
combination of sugar and water that is cooked over low heat until the sugar
dissolves. The density can vary depending on the amount of water added.
"Imli" in Urdu - is a large tropical seed pod with very tangy pulp
that is eaten fresh or cooked with rice and fish or preserved for curries and
"Arvi" in Urdu - also known as "Dasheen" or
"Colocasia", is a tropical plant grown primarily as a root vegetable
for its edible corm, and secondarily as a leaf vegetable. It is considered a
staple in Oceanic cultures. It is believed to have been one of the earliest
cultivated plants.
"Arvi Ke Pattay" in Urdu - also known as "Dasheen Leaves" or
"Colocasia Leaves", are the leaves of the Taro Vegetable and are used
as Greens. They are often cooked along with the vegetable when prepared
Pakistani style.
"Tammatar" in Urdu - is a mildly acid red or yellow pulpy fruit eaten
as a vegetable. It is an important source for Pakistani, Indian, and other
types of cooking.
"Paaya" in Urdu - is the foot of an animal. Cow, sheep, and goat or
mutton trotters are traditionally prepared with Pakistani Spices and served as
a main course or breakfast dish.
"Pisi Haldi" in Urdu - is the main ingredient in curry powder. This
spice has been around since the 1900s originating from India . Turmeric
has been known throughout the world as a seasoning to make foods taste very
good. Today turmeric is being used all over the world as a seasoning and a
health product.
"Haldi" in Urdu - is an underground stem of a ginger-like plant. It
is grown in India , China , Sri Lanka ,
Taiwan , Java ,
Peru , Australia and the West
Indies . It is a bright yellow spice with a pungent flavor.

"Bachra" in Urdu - is the meat of young cattle(calves). Though veal
can be produced from a calf of either sex and any breed, most veal comes from
male calves of dairy cattle breeds. Next to beef, veal has a delicate taste and
tender texture.
"Sabzi" in Urdu - is a plant raised for some edible part of it,
such as the leaves, roots, fruit or flowers, but excluding any plant considered
to be a fruit, grain, or spice in the culinary sense.
"Banaspati Tail" in Urdu - is oil that is extracted from a variety of
vegetable sources and used universally in cooking and for frying.
"Seviyan" in Urdu - is a type of pasta that is round in section and
somewhat thinner than spaghetti. It is traditionally cooked in desserts,
especially on Pakistani Holidays.
"Sirka" in Urdu - is a weak solution of acetic acid and water used
in pickling, preserving, tenderizing, and to add a sour flavor to foods.
"Akhrot" in Urdu - is a nut with a distinctive brain shape. Walnuts
are used in sweet and savoury cooking, and are good pickled and served with
cheese. They can also be used finely chopped with sweet dishes or roughly
chopped with salads and stir fries. Walnuts are naturally shaped like the brain
and also benefit the brain in many ways.
"Paani" in Urdu - is a ubiquitous chemical substance that is
composed of hydrogen and oxygen and is vital for all known forms of life.
"Tarbooz" in Urdu - is the fruit of the watermelon plant, having a
green rind and watery flesh that is bright red when ripe and contains black
"Gehun" in Urdu - is grains of common wheat; sometimes cooked whole
or cracked as cereal; usually ground into flour.
"Gehun Ka Aata" in Urdu - is a flour produced by milling the endosperm
portion of the wheat kernel. "Whole wheat flour," which is more
nutritious, is made by milling the entire kernel, including the outer covering,
or "bran".
"Gehun" in Urdu - is a flour or meal derived from whole grains of
wheat, often not finely ground.
"Dahi Ka Paani" or "Paneer Ka
Paani" in Urdu - is the liquid remaining after
milk has been curdled and strained. It is a by-product of the manufacture of
cheese or casein and has several commercial uses. Sweet whey is manufactured
during the making of rennet types of hard cheese like Cheddar or Swiss.
"Maida" in Urdu - also referred as "All-Purpose Flour",
is a finely ground white wheat flour containing a moderate amount of protein;
used for a wide variety of general baking and cooking.
"Maida" in Urdu - also referred as "All-Purpose Flour",
is a finely ground white wheat flour containing a moderate amount of protein;
used for a wide variety of general baking and cooking.
"Urad Dal" in Urdu - is one of the most versatile of all legumes and
can be cooked into thick purees and liquid soups, sauces, stews, pillow-soft
fried savouries, moist raw chutneys, crispy pancakes, feather-light steamed
dumplings, and sprouted salads.
"Urad Dhuli Dal" in Urdu - is a lentil with the skin removed that has
traditionally been used in Pakistani cuisine. It is often called white gram and
is used in purees and soups and is the special ingredient added to flours to
make breads, dosa (crepes), idlis (steamed cakes) and sweets.
"Chana Dal" in Urdu - is one of the most important pulses in Pakistan and India . It is consumed in the form
of whole dried seeds and in the form of dhal, prepared by splitting the seeds
in a mill and separating the husk. Seeds are angular with pointed beak and
small hilum. All parts of the plant are covered with glandular hairs.
"Saabut Hari Mirch" in Urdu - are commonly used in Pakistani and Indian dishes.
They are eaten fresh and whole with meals.
"Saabut Lal Mirch" in Urdu - usually vary in length, are red to brownish red
in color, warm and peppery, have an intensely pungent flavor with a biting hot
and sharp and cumulative lingering effect.
"Saabut Lal Mirch" in Urdu - usually vary in length, are red to brownish red
in color, warm and peppery, have an intensely pungent flavor with a biting hot
and sharp and cumulative lingering effect.
"Bel" in Urdu - is a round and woody fruit. It is eaten fresh and
has some popularity in parts of India .
"Suar Aaloo" in Urdu - is the edible, starchy, tuberous roots of several
related species of plants used as a staple food in tropical areas.
"Khameer" in Urdu - also called "Baker's Yeast", is the
common name for the strains of yeast used as a leavening agent in baking bread
and bakery products, where it converts the fermentable sugars present in the
dough into carbon dioxide and ethanol.
"Chana Dal" in Urdu - is one common type of Gram Lentil of the many
other types. This type is commonly cooked as a Curry or Lentil Fry Dish.
"Pyaz" in Urdu - is a variety of dry onion with a strong flavor.
White inside, its layers of papery skin have a yellow-brown color.
"Toor Dal" or "Arhar Dal"
in Urdu - may also be referred as,
"Pigeon Pea" and is a glassy dark yellow split pea, similar to chana
"Dahi" in Urdu - also spelled as "Yogurt" or also called
"Plain Yogurt", is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation
of milk. Fermentation of lactose produces lactic acid, which acts on milk
protein to give yogurt its texture and its characteristic tang.
"Dahi" in Urdu - also spelled as "Yoghurt" or also
called "Plain Yogurt", is a dairy product produced by bacterial
fermentation of milk. Fermentation of lactose produces lactic acid, which acts
on milk protein to give yogurt its texture and its characteristic tang.
"Zardi" in Urdu - also called, "Egg Yolk", is the yellow
round in an egg, which contains all of the fat and is a good source of protein,
iron, vitamin A, vitamin D, choline, and phosphorus. The egg white is a good
source of protein and riboflavin .
"Turai" in Urdu - is a popular summer squash with an off-white
flesh with a light, somewhat bland flavor. Zucchini is cooked with Pakistani
Spices and can also be steamed, grilled, sautéed, deep-fried, and baked.